Stockholms tingsrätt

Updated information about the trial in the case regarding suspected assault in Stockholm on 30 June 2019

Mål: B 9283-19
Because of the large interest from the media and the public the hearing has been moved to Stockholm District Court’s secure courtroom. Representatives of the media are permitted to use electronic equipment to report from the courtroom.

As has been previously announced the hearing will be held on 30 July, 1 August and 2 August 2019, from 09.30 am each day. On account of the large interest from the media and the public the hearing will be held in Stockholm District Court’s secure courtroom, courtroom 1 on Bergsgatan 50.

– “The case has received a great deal of attention. It is important to ensure transparency and that there are good opportunities to report from the trial. The secure courtroom is the courtroom that is best served to cater to these interests. The court has also decided that representatives of the media are allowed to use electronic equipment to report on the trial directly from the courtroom”, says the presiding judge, Senior Judge Per Lennerbrant

Practical information

There is a limited number of seats in the courtroom. These seats are primarily intended for media who have pre-registered and been notified that they have received a seat. Press credentials are required.

For the public there will be seats in an adjacent room, courtroom 2, Bergsgatan 50, with image and sound transmission from the courtroom. The number of seats is limited and no pre-registration is possible to these seats. Tickets can be collected at the entrance each morning before the hearing.

All visitors are asked to be seated by 09.15 am. The entrance will be open from 08.00 am.

Rules of order

It is forbidden to photograph or film inside, or into, the courtroom or an adjacent room. Following a decision by the court, representatives from the media in courtroom 1 who report on the trial are permitted to use the necessary electronic equipment (for example mobile phones, tablets and computers). This also includes other equipment for audio recordings.

For all other visitors it is forbidden to have electronic equipment (such as mobile phones, tablets, computers and cameras) turned on in the courtroom or the adjacent room. All such equipment must be turned off and put away.

Filming or photographing is not permitted for anyone.

The presiding judge may issue further rules to ensure order during the hearing.

Security check

Security check will be conducted at the entrance. In the security check, all visitors must go through a safety bow. Bags and other objects are run through an X-ray machine. The control will take less time the fewer items you bring. If possible, avoid bringing larger bags. As many visitors will arrive at the same time, a queue can occur at the security checkpoint. It is therefore important to arrive well in advance. Journalists are not exempted from the security check.

Requests for documents in court files are directed to or to court officers Mikaela Andersson, tel.+46 8 561 65 174, and Michaela Stathin, tel.+46 8 561 65 102.

For general questions about the Swedish Courts or the Swedish judicial system please see the court’s webpage. Questions can also be directed to judges of the media group at the Swedish Courts.